- B.A.Sc. Honours Computer Science Co-op (Expected 2018)
- McMaster University, Hamilton ON
- 10.1 GPA on 12 point scale
- Dean's Honour List (2015)
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma
- Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Waterloo ON
- Graduated in Honour Roll
- Member of Computer Science Club
- Software Development Intern, OWSE IT Services (Summer 2015)
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Participated in the creation of a CRUD Web Application
- Developed Front-End with AngularJS and Bootstrap
- Developed Back-End with Spring and Java
- Hackathon Participant
- The Great Ham Jam (2016)
- DeltaHacks II (2016)
- DeltaHacks I (2015)
- Memnote: Android and Web Application
- Created by group of 3 in 24hrs for DeltaHacks II
- Winner of Best Use of AWS
- Allows nurses and caretakers to send and manage reminders to patients with short-term memory loss
- Created using AngularJS, Node.js, Java and MongoDB
- Features:
- Mobile App allows new users register in system
- Website sends reminders to the Mobile App
- Website allows users to manage patients
- Java eCommerce Application
- Created by group of 3 using Git for collaboration and version control
- Designed using OOP principles
- Features:
- Application modifies CSV database
- Administrator can Create, Update and Delete items
- Users can Register in system
- Users can Select, and Checkout items
- C++ Expression Calculator
- Created by group of 3 using Git for collaboration and version control
- Designed using OOP principles
- Features:
- Parses math expressions and prints result
- Python 3 Maze Generator & Solver
- Designed using OOP principles
- Features:
- Randomly generates a Maze
- Uses Depth-First-Search to find Exit
- Optionally finds Key before Exit
- C++ Connect Four Game
- Created by group of 2
- Uses SDL game and graphics library
- Features:
- Single and Two players games
- Three different AI difficulty levels