Source: utils.js

// node and npm modules
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

 *  A namespace containing useful utility functions.
 *  @namespace
const utils = {
     *  The information for a GitHub issue
     *  @typedef {object} IssueInfo
     *  @property {string} state - The state of the issue, i.e. OPEN or CLOSED
     *  @property {Date} createdAt - The date the issue was created at
     *  @property {Date} closedAt - The date the issue was closed at, `null` if not closed

     *  The information for a Git commit
     *  @typedef {object} CommitInfo
     *  @property {string} commit_id - The id of the commit
     *  @property {string} commit_date - The date of the commit

     *  The count of GitHub issues by state
     *  @typedef {object} IssuesCount
     *  @property {number} totalIssues - The total number of GitHub issues
     *  @property {number} openIssues - The number of open GitHub issues
     *  @property {number} closedIssues - The number of closed GitHub issues

     *  Align issues to commits by date
     *  @param {Array<IssueInfo>} issues - The issues to align
     *  @param {Array<CommitInfo>} commits -The commits to align the issues to
     *  @return {Object<CommitId, IssuesCount>}
    alignIssuesToCommits: function (issues, commits) {
        // the offset to the current issues
        let offset = 0;

        let results = {};

        // running tally of issues by state
        let totalIssues = 0;
        let openIssues = 0;
        let closedIssues = 0;

        // iterate through every commit, stepping up to the last issue at that commit date
        for (const {commit_id, commit_date} of commits) {
            // step to new issues
            for (;  offset < issues.length &&
                    commit_date > issues[offset].createdAt; offset++) {

                // increment `totalIssues`, and either `openIssues` OR `closedIssues`
                issues[offset].state === 'OPEN' ? openIssues++ : closedIssues++;

            // store tally
            results[commit_id] = {totalIssues, openIssues, closedIssues};

        return results;

    alignPullsToCommits: function (pulls, commits) {
        // the offset to the current pulls
        let offset = 0;

        let results = {};

        // running tally of pulls by state
        let totalPulls = 0;
        let openPulls = 0;
        let closedPulls = 0;
        let mergedPulls = 0;

        // iterate through every commit, stepping up to the last issue at that commit date
        for (const {commit_id, commit_date} of commits) {
            // step to new pulls
            for (;  offset < pulls.length &&
                    commit_date > pulls[offset].createdAt; offset++) {

                // increment `totalPulls`, and either `openPulls` OR `closedPulls`
                if (pulls[offset].state === 'OPEN') {
                } else if (pulls[offset].state === 'CLOSED') {
                } else if (pulls[offset].state === 'MERGED') {

            // store tally
            results[commit_id] = {totalPulls, openPulls, closedPulls, mergedPulls};

        return results;

     *  Parses an Array of strings (flags and values) into an object of flag keys,
     *  and value values.
     *  @param {Array<string>} rawArgs
     *      the Array of command line arguments to be parsed
     *  @return {object} the parsed command line arguments. Where each flag
     *      (strings beginning with '-' or '--') is a key, and the following strings
     *      (until the next flag) are the values. If a flag has no associated value
     *      it is simply 'true' (boolean). If it has multiple associated values they
     *      will be stored in an Array. If it has only one, it is simply a string.
    argParse: function (rawArgs) {
        var args = {};
        var parsingErrors = [];
        var currFlag = null;
        // any string starting with '-' and 1 character or '--' and multiple characters
        const validFlagPattern = /^((--([^\s]{2,}))|(-([^-\s])))$/;
        // any string not starting with '-'
        const validValuePattern = /^([^-\s][^\s]+)$/;
        for (const arg of rawArgs) {
            const matchedFlag = validFlagPattern.exec(arg);
            const matchedValue = validValuePattern.exec(arg);
            // the argument is a flag
            if (matchedFlag !== null) {
                currFlag = matchedFlag[3] || matchedFlag[5];
                args[currFlag] = true;

            // the argument is not a flag, the current flag is set
            // and the current argument is valid
            } else if (currFlag !== null && matchedValue !== null) {
                const value = matchedValue[0];
                const existingArg = args[currFlag];
                // If flag has no associated value, associate value
                if (existingArg === true) {
                    args[currFlag] = value;
                // If flag has 1 associated value, make an Array with both values
                } else if (typeof existingArg === 'string') {
                    args[currFlag] = [existingArg, value];
                // If flag has multiple associated values, append to Array
                } else if (Array.isArray(existingArg)) {

            // collect any parsing errors (invalid flags or values)
            } else if (currFlag !== null && matchedValue === null) {

        // if there were any parsing errors, throw exception
        if (parsingErrors.length > 0) {
            const errorsMsg = '[' + parsingErrors.join(', ') + ']';
            throw Error(`${errorsMsg} is/are not valid flag(s) or value(s)`);

        return args;
     *    Flattens a nested object.
     *    @param {Object} obj - The object to flatten
     *    @param {string} [prefix=''] - The prefix for the flattened keys.
     *    @return {Object} - The flattened object.
    flatten: function(obj, prefix='') {
        let flattened = {};
        for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
            const value = obj[key];
            const path = prefix + ':' + key;
            if (typeof value == 'object') {
                flattened = Object.assign(
                    flattened, utils.flatten(value, path));
            } else {
                flattened[path] = value;
        return flattened;

     *  @callback stepperFunction
     *  @param {T} curr - The current value
     *  @return {T} next - The next value
     *  @template T

     *  @callback stopperFunction
     *  @param {T} curr - The current value
     *  @return {boolean} stop - Whether to stop generation or not
     *  @template T

     *  Gen takes in a starting value, a stepper function and a stopper function,
     *  and generates an array:
     *  [stepper^0(start), ... stepper^n(start) | stop(stepper^n(start)) === true]
     *  In other words, an array starting at the starting value, applying the
     *  stepper function to create each subsequent value, until the stopper function
     *  for that value returns true.
     *  @param {T} start - The starting value
     *  @param {stepperFunction<T>} step - The stepper funtion
     *  @param {stopperFunction<T>} stop - The stopper function
     *  @return {Array<T>} The generated array
     *  @tempate T
    gen: function (start, step, stop) {
        let curr = start;
        let result = [curr];
        while (!stop(curr)) {
            curr = step(curr);
        return result;

     *    Takes in a list of flat json objects and outputs a CSV string.
     *    @param {Array<Object>} objs - The objects
     *    @param {Array<string>} [header]
     *        The header, keys of the first object will be used if none provided.
     *    @param {string} [sep=','] - The separator for each column.
     *    @param {string} [end='\n'] - The separator for each row.
     *    @return {string} - The CSV string
    jsonToCsv: function (objs, header, sep=',', end='\n') {
        // TODO: Not ideal, optimize?
        header = utils.uniques(
            .reduce((acc, keys) => acc.concat(keys), []));

        let body = [];
        for (const obj of objs) {
            const row = => obj[h]);
        const csv = [header, ...body].map(row => row.join(sep)).join(end);
        return csv;

     *  Pairs takes in an array and returns and array of consecutive pairs
     *  (i.e. pairs([x_0, x_1, ... x_n]) = [[x_0, x_1], [x_1, x_2], ... [x_(n-1), x_n]])
     *  @param {Array<T>} array - The input array
     *  @return {Array<Array<T>>} The resulting array of pairs
     *  @template T
    pairs: function (array) {
        let result = [];
        for (let index = 0; (index + 1) < array.length; index++) {
            result.push([array[index], array[index + 1]]);
        return result;

     *  Information about the GitHub project
     *  @typedef {object} ProjectInfo
     *  @property {string} owner - The GitHub username of the project owner
     *  @property {string} name - The name of the project

     *  Parses a GitHub project URL
     *  @param {string} url
     *      The GitHub project URL, must contain ''
     *  @return {ProjectInfo}
     *      The owner and the name of the project
    parseURL: function (url) {
        const url_parts = url.split('/');
        const index = url_parts.indexOf('');
        // TODO: remove '.git' from url if present
        if (index === -1) {
            throw 'Not a valid GitHub url (' + url + ')';
        return {
            owner: url_parts[index + 1],
            name: url_parts[index + 2]

     *  A row-like object outputted by a database query
     *  @typedef {object} Row
     *  @property {number} repo_id - The id of the repository
     *  @property {string} commit_id - The id of the commit
     *  @property {Date} commit_date - The date of the commit
     *  @property {string} file_extension - The file extension
     *  @property {string} metric_type - The name of the metric
     *  @property {string} metric_value - The value of the metric

     *  A point-like object to be processed the the front-end graphs library
     *  @typedef {object} Point
     *  @property {number} repo_id - The id of the repository
     *  @property {string} commit_id - The id of the commit
     *  @property {Date} commit_date - The date of the commit
     *  @property {string} file_extension - The file extension
     *  @property {number} metric_type*
     *      The value of metric of type `metric_type`, these properties are dynamically generated
     *      and can differ for each point. Possibilities are subsets of the values in the MetricTypes
     *      table. See [schema.sql]{@link schema.sql} for details.

     *  A function to get a unique identifier for a {@link Point} from a {@link Row}.
     *  Used to index points.
     *  @callback keyFunction
     *  @param {Row} row - The row to get the unique identifier from.
     *  @return {string} The unique identifier

     *  Transforms a list of row-like objects into a list of point-like objects.
     *  Used to format the database output into something to be used by the graph in the front-end
     *  @param {Array<Row>} rows - The rows to be transformed
     *  @param {keyFunction} [key=(({commit_id, file_extension}) => commit_id + ":" + file_extension)]
     *      The function to identify each unique point from a row
     *  @param {string} [nameCol='metric_type'] - The property of the metric name
     *  @param {string} [valCol='metric_value'] - The property of the metric value
     *  @return {Array<Point>} The Points
    rows2points: function (
            key = (({commit_id, file_extension}) => commit_id + ":" + file_extension),
            nameCol = 'metric_type',
            valCol = 'metric_value') {

        // we can build up our points without duplicates
        // by indexing them based on the `key` function
        let points = {};

        // except unique columns
        // i.e. columns that have unique values per row (of the same point)
        const except = [nameCol, valCol];

        // transforms a `row` into an base point
        // i.e. only constant point information, striping any metrics
        let init = row => Object.entries(row)
            .filter(([k, v]) => !except.includes(k))
            .reduce((obj, [k, v]) => ({...obj, [k]: v}), {});

        for (const row of rows) {
            // the identifier of the row
            let id = key(row);
            // ensure the point is initialized
            points[id] = (points[id] || init(row));
            // add the this row's metric to the point
            points[id][row[nameCol]] = row[valCol];
        // return only the point values
        return Object.values(points);

     *    Gets values of the list excluding duplicates
     *    @param {Array<T>} duplicates - The list with potential duplicates
     *    @return {Array<T>} - The list with duplicate elements removed
     *    @template T
    uniques: function(duplicates) {
        let seen = new Set();
        return duplicates.filter(item =>
            seen.has(item) ? false : seen.add(item)

     *  Unwrap takes in an object, and a leaf key and moves the values of
     *  the leaf keys up a level in the object tree
     *  (i.e. object.sub_level.leaf = object.leaf, for all 'leaf' in 'object')
     *  @param {object} obj - The object to unwrap
     *  @param {string} leaf - The leaf key
     *  @return {object} The unwrapped object
    unwrap: function (obj, leaf) {
        const unwrapped = {};
        for (const [key, node] of Object.entries(obj)) {
            unwrapped[key] = node[leaf];
        return unwrapped;

     *  Configuration options for writing to a file
     *  @typedef WriteToFileOptions
     *  @property {string} [dirname=__dirname]
     *      the name of the directory of the output file,
     *      defaults to current directory.
     *  @property {boolean} [append=false]
     *      flag to determine if should append (true) or overwrite (false)
     *      if file already exists.
     *  @property {number} [indentaion=4]
     *      the indentation level for the JSON file.

     *  Write an object to a JSON File .
     *  @param {Object|string} source - The Object or string to be written to the file
     *  @param {string} filename - The filename that will be written to
     *  @param {WriteToFileOptions} [options] - The writing options
    writeToFile: function (source, filename, {
            dirname = __dirname,
            append = false,
            indentation = 4
        } = {}){
        let contents;
        if (typeof source === 'object') {
            // stringify to a JSON object
            contents = JSON.stringify(source, null, indentation);
        } else {
            contents = source;
        // join path of directory and file
        const filepath = path.join(dirname, filename);
        // if file exists and append is set to true, append to file
        if (fs.existsSync(filepath) && append) {
            fs.appendFileSync(filepath, contents);
        // else create new file and write.
        } else {
            fs.writeFileSync(filepath, contents);

     *  Zip takes any number of arrays (e.g. xs = [x_0...x_n], ys = [y_0...y_m])
     *  and returns an array where each element is an array of the n^th elements of
     *  the input arrays (i.e. zip(xs, ys) = [[x_0, y_0] ... [x_k, y_k] | k = min(n, m)]).
     *  Similarly for larger number of input arrays.
     *  @param {...Array<*>} arrays - The input arrays
     *  @return {Array<*>} zipped - The zipped array
    zip: function (...arrays) {
        let zipped = [];
        for (let index = 0 ;; index++) {
            let step = [];
            for (const array of arrays) {
                if (index < array.length) {
                    const elem = array[index];
                } else {
                    return zipped;

module.exports = utils;